The Lincoln Snowhounds wants you to enjoy your ride... please be mindful of the groomer.   It is possible to meet the Groomer on the trails at any time. When you do meet the Groomer, PLEASE follow these simple rules:

       1. If we are going in opposite directions, pull over to the side, off the trail if   possible, and wait until we pass by.

       2.  If you approach the groomer from behind, BE PATIENT! As soon as it is SAFE, the driver will pull over and let you pass by. PLEASE pass slowly and then continue to enjoy your ride.

       3. Your cooperation is essential for all our safety!

If you are in need of my emergency services, pull to the side of the trail, step off your sled, and wave both hands over your head. The groomer driver will stop as soon as it is SAFE and render assistance.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Please remember, you are not alone on the trail.  DO NOT SPEED AND ALWAYS KEEP TO THE RIGHT!!